What will you find in mine
Silence - is'nt an obsession...but my true state of being
At this very moment as i write about Silence....
i'm anything but like it.
Comes a dove from an unknown sky
From far above for any eyes
In a wink it's there
In a wink it's gone
But if it stays
it fills you - you're filled with it....
No matter what you look at
Or what looks at you
You're hit by its light
Undoing your body - giving you its own
it says;
Take it
and become a gleam
A flight
a flight into your darkness
Let go the things to think - for what is there to think
thinking is noisy ;
thinking is pointless
What is of thought cannot take you there
What is of thought can come in
this path is
outside thinking
You can take it if you can fall....
falling is the closest you can do to be with yourself
So fall into you.
Can you fall like a flake of snow.
Can you hold
what cannot be held
Can you let it
fill you
Fling...fling into that flow
where things seen are'nt seen in the usual way..
Fling into your consciousness
Into its wakeful Silences
Into it's cosmic volcanoes
And witness the glory of seeing
Misery is a name you give:
to what you can't see
If it were mere opening of the eyes you'd have seen it.
To touch that which is sacred
which is even closer to your skin
To hear , not by means of your tympanum
To taste what is but not
by the mere tip of your tongue
what taste has that
which Wisdom has put on your tongue
The perfume that haunts you so madly
isn't in your nose .
how will you describe it
How will you describe the perfume of silence.
the words that you seek ceaselessly
the words only true lovers know
it isn't in your silence
it is'nt in your words
but in that trembling that penetrates you
when the arms of the sacred gathers you.
Silence isn't the absence of noise
but the hushful awareness of the presence of your self
The unbecoming of words as the meaningful moment of that instance fille you.
Your silence unavail
Your unavailability in listening to yourself
leaves it unavailable.
The self is full: what it is full of..... is silent...
It is silence
in such a silence you hear the heart of all things
to that one heart
When you hear your silence
you hear the heartbeats of every word
and unsaid.
This is
the sunrise you 've been waiting for
Your own sunrise.
This is
where your first poems rise from
The poem and the poet both arises
The perfume of words : their taste, their touch
released from the tongue of your soul.
How will you write them.
Write them ,
if you know how they ought to be written
Write it
write it in the other
the other who is looking silently at You
Your silence unavail
Your unavailability in listening to yourself
leaves it unavailable.
The self is full: what it is full of..... is silent...
It is silence
in such a silence you hear the heart of all things
to that one heart
When you hear your silence
you hear the heartbeats of every word
and unsaid.
This is
the sunrise you 've been waiting for
Your own sunrise.
This is
where your first poems rise from
The poem and the poet both arises
The perfume of words : their taste, their touch
released from the tongue of your soul.
How will you write them.
Write them ,
if you know how they ought to be written
Write it
write it in the other
the other who is looking silently at You