Friday 6 November 2020

 Softly i died, till it was morning again

So intoxicating
the fiery light looked in your eyes.


 i will remember,

You and
 the birch trees by the pond.

The coppery light reflected on your skin.

The breeze turned pink.
And when the night came in , it came in circles of feelings.

i knelt and kissed you through your clothes.

i knelt and kissed  the heat doused
swollen by the sting of Desires.

The body has its flowers
those beautiful petals open.

Dilated horniness
obeying our violent attraction.

i tilted your face
and tilted reality.

your face sogged with heaven.
every border fell out of your vastness.

Getting inside you was my only way of getting out.

i will remember,

You and the cypress shades.

we threw our pebbles into the water
dispersing the sky in it.

But, can anything ever wipe away

The story your kisses 
on my lips.