Monday, 18 May 2015

This Something  stirs in 

And as often i begin my phrases with ' This'.

i wondered why

i wondered if or as if
the god in my heart bid me to dispose of everything else

in order to be in the immediacy of the moment
discarding everything, stop the overlooking
skipping, hopping....

This is what  ' This ' means to me.

To summon the totality of myself
without leaving a single particle behind

to summon myself to the vortex of the Present.
With the same straightening obedience 
when the grass sees the Sunrise.

And Today,
This sunlight playing in the meadows of my Solitude
i cannot tell how beautiful it is....

If dying is like this
let me tell you
Let me die.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

What has been taken from me comes back
with different faces and voices
It comes back through the
sunshining on the green leaves
as it might in winter
when the ground is cold and frozen on an
unknown day.

what has been taken away from me
whatever i thought i had lost
comes back with so much beauty that it hurts

i still see it
my childhood walking in my fully adult feet
eyes dazzled by whatever
it saw then
still sees now dazzling

with its happy smile given from nowhere or perhaps
from God's own infancy.

Whatever has been taken from me
shows itself
peeps out from soothing rocks and waterfalls of my soul

At times after a tired day
i sit on the porch
the evening light comes in
and i fall asleep
it is there i am
in the music
within the quietness awakening from another dawn.