Tuesday, 6 June 2017

To be held by the whole 
And let the singleness stand out to amaze. 
Above.below.around only amazing vibrancies of Life.

It's not my equations that has aligned the planets.
It's not my chemistry that made white clouds from vapours. 
Nor my measurements that has placed
each star in its place as lighthouses 
for my camel and me to navigate. 
Eyes read 
the dark hide of the sky and 
Murmur praises to such a glory. 
Words slide smoothly as light.
A poet's mouth waters with the taste of light. 
The molecules of God are dancing within dervishly.
the experiences of life
bleeds like sunlight into a pond.

A pond
that has been always within you
since the day you were born......

Monday, 5 June 2017

when hatred is bigger than your heart
you can't see how much the other has changed.

It's raining
Between you and my silence.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Retain this night
the ocean
woke up in your eyes.

the deep calm beauty of it
makes everything
so simple