To write to you is not easy.....
engorged with desires
Like nipples
slips into a playful stream of verbs
Between the thighs of my silence...running
Moan my Sufferings , since you're so determined to make me suffer....
This breath
between my lips
because i cannot speak.
This wind howling
how they bite
how they blow me into pièces.
i eat.
I drink
from the stones and rivers
of sorrow
my handcuffed feelings losing their voices in your meadows.
my eyes understood
watching a few
the solitude of the half lit winters.
Waiting for the sun
waiting for you
if you might come....
if you might come
i write ,
but to write to you is not easy my Darling,
Words sink like Titanic
in your cold waters.
No matter how i speak
your anwers deeply haunt a silence to which i cannot accede.