Friday, 10 April 2015

You sprinkle in my thoughts today

Spring sways deliciously in the wind  
my thoughts fly yonder to you, 

amidst the fondest memories 

of how strangely we 
have given our love to each other, 

 How the farthest and nearest bonds are entwined... 

wondering ridiculously why these unmet feelings still have meaning.

i reckon somehow 
some kind of your beauty still continues to haunt me,

Have i known you  from beyond  
the timeless designs. 

 Solemnly, hither i walk 

amidst the tall grass of these flowering woods 
whilst thoughts of you fills me with all kind of aches.

Towards you i come and go 

without your knowing.
while whispers pine within phrases and i can't pen

Sighingly I tell the stars that your light is 

far too sublime than any 
arising in my knowing.
May these words bring something of who i am at

 your doorstep though ghostly they might be. .. 
as anything interfered by light would be.

In the meanwhile we both shall meander, 

in our garden of Silence 
just wondering about each other 
inspite of the naught around us

For You my Love 

i 've untied the sun today 
and bound them in my words 

so you might behold this heart 
vain of any shadow.

Be safe, Be loved...

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