Thursday, 20 October 2016

History slides from skin to skin
from our parents to us
agglomerating, the fibres of our supra galactic brain.

we smell their lives

flashes and fragments of ourselves lost
in them,
recovering something, that was left undiscovered

we smell their lives

like early morning wet hay,
mushy by the countryside.

Like babies
who 'smelt' their mother
Love becoming
the binding odour of their paradise.

birthing a consciousness,
even more of  that love could become or unbecome.

Everything -- learnt and recalled
standing on this planet.
a dot-- in the universe
We-- a nano particle of its vastness.

our consciousness-- larger than its container
holds both -- the universe and us.
in a space ever expanding where measure is preposterous

We point these telescopes
of our consciousness into the amaranthine,

exploring the latent.

we delve
into mysteries
deeper than the pulls of black holes

without enough words to explain them.

Psyche fixed microscopes,
we disects furthur into the intelligence of our tissues and cells
to catch life at its inception
the chapters that are'nt in the bible

to catch-- where every holy book was written from
from its silence.

and obedient to how it opens us

instinctly, as any bud would, configuring its own survival
conceding,with fully open petals
the fullness of
the engorging light
that feeds us.

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